Our Values
We hold strongly to a set of values that guide our actions and interactions with our customers, colleagues and larger community. Principles and themes that unify us, this is our aspirational vision for how we will evolve and grow together.
Be very conscious of the customers’ evolving needs.
We push ourselves to fully understand the world of our consumers so we can predict their changing needs and stay one step ahead of the status quo. We never stop looking for innovative ways to revolutionize culture and improve the way our audiences experience the world. By doing all of this and more, we contribute to the success of our business and our clients — delivering returns that can further invest in all our growth.
Be innovative, take the initiative and never stop learning.
Creativity is something that we highly value. We consider it a defining characteristic. It drives us to be more effective, venture beyond comfort zones and actively seek out alternate perspectives. Letting new ideas evolve from inspiration provided by those around, while proactively seeking out those who think differently. Pushing ourselves to stay at the forefront of art, design, entertainment, fashion, wellness, current affairs and all that make life worth living.
Facilitate an open team environment based on mutual respect.
Diversity is one of our greatest strengths. To ensure we’re pulling in the same direction, we try to focus on the things we share and celebrate our differences. We hold the bar high for ourselves to act with respect and integrity in all we do. When we trust each other, the content we distribute, shines brighter and travels further. Our audiences can feel it and they in turn, trust us, which is our hardest won and most prized asset.
Anticipate change and embrace growth in our business arena.
We will seek to understand more by asking the hard questions in order to get closer to the truth and the core of the situation. This in turn, allows us to anticipate and excite positive systemic change within our organization, whilst being more proactive by seeking partners who are also committed to fostering tangible changes to our industry.
Be a community builder & partner.
We are a part of our community; it sustains and drives us. So we are committed to reflecting the voices of our community by ensuring that people of all backgrounds, perspectives and experiences are represented in our organization. We will seek to create inspiring and engaging content, experiences and products that are as diverse as the audiences we serve.
Safeguard the environment for future generations.
It’s imperative to us that we conduct business in ways that are socially and environmentally responsible and that make a positive environmental impact. We not only want to inform our audiences, but inspire them to take meaningful action. We are committed, as an organization, to inform our partners and our audiences about actively taking tangible actions in protecting our most precious resources.